
EDITORIAL: Continuity and innovation

Abraham (Rami) Rudnick, MD, PhD and Colleen Galasso

The Canadian Journal of Physician Leadership (CJPL) starts the first issue of 2024 with innovation as well as continuity. As the new editor-in-chief of CJPL, and as part of the innovation, I have co-authored this editorial with the Canadian Society of Physician Leader’s (CSPL’s) executive director, Colleen Galasso, to address collaboratively both content and process related to CJPL. read online | PDF

HEALTH ECONOMICS: The occult of efficiency: frank, and Stein’s, advice for physician leaders

Jeffrey S. Hoch, PhD, and Carolyn S. Dewa, MPH, PhD

In this first article in a series on health economics, we focus on efficiency, which is an important concept for leaders deciding how to spend scarce resources, such as time, effort, and money.  read online | PDF

HEALTH INFORMATICS: The physician executive’s crash course on AI in health care. Part 2: What patients and physicians think

Alexandra T. Greenhill, MD

This second in a series of articles on artificial intelligence (AI) in health care presents six core concepts that will help physician leaders frame their understanding of the rapidly evolving state of what patients and physicians think of AI.  read online | PDF

HEALTH INFORMATICS: AI in health care: a tool for physician leaders

Tyrone A. Perreira, PhD, MEd, Sundeep Sodhi, PhD(c), MSc, Alia Karsan, LLB, MPP, Hazim Hassan, MBA, Anthony Dale, MPA

Artificial intelligence (AI) in health care is rapidly expanding, with the daily emergence of new initiatives, topics, and critical issues, making it challenging for physician leaders to organize and distill this complex topic. We offer a simple approach that involves classifying topics by three levels of scale: the individual, the organization, and the system or sector.  read online | PDF

RESEARCH: Physician insights on strategies for leading quality improvement

Pamela Mathura, PhD, Sandra Marini, MAL, Elaine Yacyshyn, MD, MScHQ, Yvonne Suranyi, BSc, RN, and Narmin Kassam, MD, MHPE

Background: The Strategic Clinical Improvement Committee (SCIC) was established in 2015 to foster physician leadership in quality improvement (QI). In this study, we examined the experiences of physician committee members to determine leadership strategies perceived to support their involvement in QI. read online | PDF

OPINION: We must change our mindset about our health care system

Johny Van Aerde, MD, PhD, FRCPC

Our health care system is complex. Because it is human made, its behaviour can be changed by intervening at specific leverage points or spots of influence. Some leverage points are weak because changes resulting from the intervention don’t make much difference; others are strong because they transform how the system works.  read online | PDF

COACHING CORNER: Canadian Physician Coaches Network: what coaching could mean for you as a medical leader

Debrah Wirtzfeld, MD, MBA

Many of you are familiar with the axiom that becoming a successful leader is a combination of gaining knowledge, acquiring on the job experience, and engaging in leadership coaching. read online | PDF

BOOK REVIEW: The Good Life: Lessons from the World’s Longest Scientific Study of Happiness

Robert Waldinger, MD, and Marc Schulz, PhD

Reviewed by Johny Van Aerde, MD, PhD read online | PDF

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